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Cat Fanciers Assoc. 

Somali Cat Club of America, Inc.

Article I: Name of Club

The name of this club shall be the Somali Cat Club of America, Inc.

Article II: Purpose of Club

1.) To work toward championship recognition of the Somali in all cat associations.
2.) To improve the Somali cat by selective breeding. The bloodlines are to be kept pure by breeding only with purebred registered Somalis and Abyssinians.
3.) To create an interest in breeding and showing the Somali cat, and in owning the Somali cat as a pet, not only in North America, but abroad.

Article III: Club Activities

1.) This club shall not be affiliated with any individual cat association in the United States, Canada, or abroad. It shall preserve its status as an unaffiliated breed club.
2.) The club shall publish a periodic newsletter, as funds permit. The newsletter editor shall be appointed by our President.
3.) The club shall engage in other relevant activities, as it sees fit and as funds permit, such as assisting members to place kittens, maintaining a central file of Somali pedigrees, etc.

Article IV: Membership

1.) Membership in this club is open to any person with a serious interest in the Somali cat. Membership is attained upon payment of the first annual dues to the Treasurer.
2.) The yearly dues of this club shall be $15.00/individual, $25.00/family and overseas. They are payable when a new member joins the club and on May 31st of each year thereafter.
3.) Non U.S. members shall pay their dues in U.S. funds.

Article V: Officers

1.) The officers of this club shall be elected annually. They shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Northeast Regional Director, Southern Regional Director, Midwest Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Western Regional Director, Northwest Regional Director, Southwest Regional Director, Hawaii Regional Director, Canada Regional Director, Japan Regional Director, France Regional Director, England Regional Director, Denmark Regional Director, Finland Regional Director.
2.) Regional Directors for additional countries shall be appointed by the President temporarily, but annual elections in October each year shall determine the officially elected regional director to be installed with the approval of membership. All the above-listed officers shall comprise the Executive Board of this club. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall comprise the Executive Officers of this club.

3.) The duties of the Executive Officers shall be:

President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the club. He shall preside at meetings of the members and the board. He shall be responsible for the general management of the affairs of the club, and shall see that all resolutions of the board and membership are carried into effect. He shall appoint all committees. If he desires, he shall attend all committee meetings in an ex-officio capacity.

Vice In the absence of the President, he shall perform the duties of the President. He shall assist the President at the President: President's request, and may undertake special projects that do not fall under the duties of the other Executive Officers, with the President's approval.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of this club, and make the minutes available to the Newsletter Editor. He shall assist the President in correspondence, if the President requests. The Secretary shall keep an accurate listing of all members. The Secretary shall keep the Constitution and Code of Ethics up-to-date and accurate, and shall render neat and accurate records at the conclusion of his term of office.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies of the club. He shall open a checking account in the name of the club. He shall dispense money according to the direction of the club or the Executive Board. He shall keep book accounts of receipts and expenditures, which shall be open for inspection at all times by the Board. He shall keep an accurate record of the dues payments of the members. He shall render up neat and accurate records at the conclusion of his term of office.

4.) The duties of each Regional Director shall be:
   a.) To engage in activities that are deemed pertinent in that particular region.
   b.) To coordinate with the President at all times, and keep the President informed of activities in that region.
   c.) To coordinate with other Regional Directors, if need be.
   d.) To take charge of any disciplinary hearing held by the executive board that involves a member in that region.
   e.) To assist in investigating ethics problems in that region.
   f.) To obtain the President's approval before acting on matters of importance.

Article VI: Appointive Positions

1.) The President shall have the power to appoint all appointive posts, to wit: the Newsletter Editor, special committees, etc.
2.) In case of an elective office other than the President being vacated by the death of an officer, or for any other reason, the President shall appoint an interim officer, who shall serve for the remainder of the term.
3.) The President shall have the power to remove an appointed person from an appointive position, should that person not be fulfilling his appointive duties.
4.) All appointments by the President, as well as all removals of an appointed person from his position, shall be approved by the executive officers of the club.

Article VII: Discipline

1.) The executive board shall have the power to reprimand, suspend, or expel from membership any officer or member who, after a fair hearing, is found guilty of violating the constitution or the Code of Ethics of this club.
2.) The charges against any member or officer shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the person or persons preferring the charge and shall be presented to the executive board.
3.) The person or persons preferring the charge shall be prepared to present factual evidence of their allegations.
4.) The President shall set a date for the hearing. He shall notify all members of the executive board of the date, place, and purpose of the hearing. The notification shall be made by certified letter, return receipt. The letter shall be postmarked at least 30 days prior to the hearing.
5.) The President shall also formally notify the person against whom the charges are being preferred. Notification shall be made by certified letter, return receipt. The letter shall be postmarked at least 30 days prior to the hearing.
6.) The chairman of the hearing shall be the Regional Director in whose region the alleged violations occurred. In the event that the hearing involves violations by a Regional Director, the President will preside as chairman of the hearing, and the Regional Director in question will not be allowed a vote in the hearing.
7.) After a fair and impartial hearing, the officers present at the hearing shall vote on how the club shall proceed. A two-thirds vote of the officers present shall constitute a majority.

Article VIII: Meetings

1.) Meetings of the SCCA may be held when and where there is a minimum of three members present, at least one of whom is an officer.
2.) Any members wishing to hold a meeting shall notify the President, in advance and in writing, of the date, place, and purpose of the proposed meeting, as well as any specific items on the agenda.
3.) In cases where the elected Secretary cannot be present, the President shall appoint a member to take minutes at a meeting.
4.) Following the meeting, the Secretary -- or appointed Secretary -- shall forward a copy of the minutes to the President, for the President's information, in cases where the President was not able to attend. Another copy of the minutes should be sent to the Newsletter Editor for publication.

Article IX: Amendments

1.) The constitution may be amended by the membership at the time of the annual election for officers.
2.) Proposed amendments must be sent to the President in writing, and received by the President on or before September 1. Any member or group of members may propose an amendment.
3.) A majority vote of ballots returned shall be necessary for the passage of an amendment

Article X: Elections and Voting

1.) Elections shall be held once a year for all elected officers, the position of scorer, and for proposed amendments.
2.) The membership shall hold an annual vote to decide any matters of Club policy which are properly decided by a majority vote of the members, but which do not require an amendment to the constitution. In cases where an urgent matter must be voted on before election time, the executive officers may authorize an emergency vote by members in good standing.
3.) All persons who run for office must be members in good standing.
4.) A member may nominate himself, or may be nominated by another person or persons. If nominated by others, the nominee has the right to accept or decline. Nominations must be made in writing, and sent to the President by September 30.
5.) Ballots shall be mailed to the members no later than October 7, according to the postmark. If October 7 falls on a Sunday, the ballots may be mailed on October 8. Balloting shall close on October 31, except when this date falls on a Sunday, in which case the final date for receipt of ballots shall be November 2.
6.) No member shall falsify a ballot. The tally of the ballots shall be conducted with witnesses present. No member shall falsify the tally. The membership shall be informed of the election results by mail as soon as possible.
7.) New officers shall be considered installed on January 1 following the election. The position of Scorer shall run concurrently with that of the show season: May 1st thru April 30th following the election. Amendments and votes on Club policy shall be in effect on the day the tally shows them to be approved by the members.
8.) A majority vote of ballots returned shall be necessary for the election of an officer or the deciding of a matter of club policy.
9.) Only members in good standing may have their votes counted in an election. Past-due dues may be paid at the time up to the tally of the votes.

Article XI: Finances

1.) The club shall authorize the Treasurer and one other person to write checks on the club checking account. In case something happens to the Treasurer, the other person can sign the checks. This other person shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the executive officers.
2.) The club's checking account shall be located in a bank convenient to each Treasurer, during that officer's term. Transfer of funds from one bank to another shall be made only with the President's knowledge and approval.
3.) Neither the Treasurer nor alternate check signer may reimburse any member for any type of club-related expense without the express approval of the President.

Article XII: Dissolution

1.) Upon dissolution of the club, the executive board shall inventory the assets of the club. All liabilities shall be paid out of assets. The balance shall be distributed to any recognized charitable or philanthropic organization that has at that time federal tax-exempt status and is devoted to feline welfare.
2.) Dissolution shall be voted on and passed by a majority of the executive board, and then by a simple majority vote of all members in good standing. Dissolution may not be effected as long as ten members in good standing wish to carry on the club, at the same time assuming all liabilities thereof.

SCCA Code of Ethics

1. Member breeders shall breed their Somalis only with Somalis or Abyssinians.
2. Member breeders should try to insure, when selling cats or kittens, that only breeders of integrity and responsibility become the owners of Somalis. Members should not knowingly sell breeding cats to a kitten mill.
3. The breeder should do his best, when selling a show or breeding quality kitten, to make an honest evaluation of that kitten's quality, based on the kitten's age and development at the time of the sale. Cats with disqualifying faults should not be sold for show.
4. The breeder should inform the buyer as to the proper veterinary care, diet, etc., of the animal being sold, especially when dealing with novice buyers.
5. It is recommended that the breeder retain the right of first refusal should the new owner decide to go out of cats at some future date. This helps insure that the cat will find a home.
6. It is recommended to members that all agreements made among themselves, with regard to buying and selling animals, stud fees, etc., be put in writing for the protection of both parties.
7. In the case of cats and kittens sold as pets, buyers and sellers should have a clear understanding, in writing, that the animal will be neutered. In the case of premiers, there should be a clear understanding, also in writing, that the buyer will receive the papers from the seller upon providing veterinary certification that the animal has been neutered.
8. It is recommended that only show and breeding quality Somalis be kept whole, and that animals who are clearly pet quality be neutered. We must not flood our market or contribute to the pet overpopulation problem.
9. The sale price of a Somali cat or kitten should reflect, if possible, the true value of the animal. The true value should not be less than three (3) figures.
10. Kittens should be at least partially immunized against rhinotracheitis, distemper, and calici virus before being sold. Buyer should be given accurate data on whatever shots have been given. Breeders giving their own shots should be aware that it is important to give them correctly.
11. A breeder should not knowingly sell a kitten that has fungus, ear mites or parasites. A breeder should not knowingly sell a kitten that is showing clinical symptoms, or a positive test, for a serious disease at the time.
12. It is recommended that the buyer have the new cat or kitten thoroughly examined by his own veterinarian 48 hours within taking possession of the animal. Should the vet find that the animal is in ill health, or should death result within two weeks, the buyer should provide the breeder with a written vet's report. If it is determined that the cat's condition can be traced to the breeder's cattery, the breeder should be responsible for any related vet bills. Should the cat die, the breeder should replace the cat with one of equal value, or if agreed upon, refund the purchase price. The breeder shall not be made liable for any health problems that the cat or kitten contracts in the new owner's cattery.
13. Both buyer and seller should familiarize themselves with the strict inter- state regulations that govern the shipping of live animals, and they should adhere to these regulations to the letter. It is recommended that the kittens not be shipped by air until at least twelve (12) weeks of age. If the carrier violates any regulation, the shipper should report the violations to the authorities immediately, to insure that all carriers treat animals humanely.
14. It is recommended that the buyer and seller have a clear understanding, in writing, about the ownership of the kennel in which a cat or kitten is shipped.
15. Breeders should consider the health and welfare of their animals at all times. Catteries should be kept reasonably clean. Adequate health and veterinary care should be provided. Animals should not be overcrowded.
16. A breeder should not knowingly offer at stud a male that has a serious infectious or contagious disease. Likewise, a breeder should not send out for stud service a female that has a serious infectious or contagious disease.
17. Members should not agent cats to shows if they are aware of a serious health problem of a contagious nature in their own cattery, and, if they would be taking their own cats to shows along with agented cats.
18. A member should refrain from attending cat shows if there is any serious health problem of a contagious nature in their cattery whose treatment is not yet complete by the date of a given show. In particular, a member should not knowingly show any cat that is a carrier of a serious contagious disease.
19. Members should not show Somalis that have given ample proof of their unmanageability in the show ring. It is recommended that cats with bad dispositions not be used for breeding.
20. In case of death, a breeder should make provision for the care and welfare of his or her animals in a last will and testament. The cat owner should also make provision for the transfer of their legal and registered ownership to a responsible living person, in case of death. It is recommended that every cattery provide for the accurate identification of all cats in it, by tattooed registration number or other means.
21. Competition among breeders in the show ring should be friendly and gracious.
22. Somali owners should present their cats in an immaculately groomed state.
23. Breeders and owners shall not falsify registration or pedigrees in any way whatsoever.
24. Breeders shall not publish dishonest or fraudulent advertising of their catteries or cats.
25. Any SCCA member making a complaint against another member on grounds of alleged violation of any of the above should be prepared to fully substantiate the allegations at a hearing of the SCCA board. Complaints should not be falsely fabricated against any member for personal or political reasons.
