mouseani.gif (73345 bytes) batana1.gif (12403 bytes)

this is me with my first cat

Ok, the world knows I love to write. So I thought I'd taunt you all and post a columns page. Once I realize the world isn't going to end, I'll post more. So be nice!!

I spend a lot of time on the IRC (Inter Relay Chat), if you need help getting on the irc click Here for a step by step guide. Then log onto , I spend most of my time in #services, to enter that channel type /join #services. To help you understand online services available to you on NewNet, we have put together a guide. Once you get on the IRC look for me, my nick is LadyBear, I'll be happy to answer your questions.

I have a lot of friends on the IRC (inter relay chat) and one of them did a speech for school. Besides the fact that he interviewed some of my internet friends, he also interviewed me. This is not why I'm adding it to my page, I'm adding it because I believe it's an important subject, Computers in the Schools.

You can also see some miscellaneous pictures of my children and cats. Here are those same babies at 6 months.

If you are new to the net, or just don't know where to go, check out TVSpots page. You'll spend months here and never see it all, what a wonderful site. It's done by one of my IRC friends TVSpots, sign his guest book an d tell him LadyBear sent you :)

I love to laugh, so I've collected a few stories and poems for you to browse through. If you like to laugh, then my Humor page should keep you happy.

I'll be adding new links soon, so check back often.

How could I resist this???? :)

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